In 2021, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Cumming with Sheridan College colleagues Mark Shufflebottom, Dr. Julianne DiSanto, Dr. Brandon McFarlane, and Dr. Humaira Siddiqui, along with community partner, Leah Burton, came together to launch CIF 3.0; formally known as The Life Skills Project. The project received a NSERC/SSHRC research grant ($356,400 for three years) to fund the project's efforts. Sixteen community organizations also partnered with the project, which included Big Brothers Big Sisters Halton Hamilton (BBBS), Bridging the Gap (BtG), Children’s Aid Society (CAS), Food For Life (FFL), Halton Multicultural Council: Connections (HMC), Halton Women’s Place, Halton Region, Kerr Street Mission (KSM), Oakville Community Foundation (OCF), Oak Park Neighbourhood Center (OPNC), Peterborough Housing Corporation, Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Services (SAVIS), Shifra, United Way Halton Hamilton (UWHH), Woodgreen, and YMCA of Oakville.