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Dr. Sara Cumming

Professor of Sociology

Dr. Sara Cumming is an award-winning researcher and academic with over 20 years of experience in the postsecondary sector. In her role as a professor, Sara has designed curriculum, written scholarly journal articles, published postsecondary textbooks, and has taught tens of thousands of students both within academia (university and college) and within the community. Since 2013, she has been a professor of sociology at Sheridan College in Oakville, Ontario in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

In her role as a community engaged researcher, Sara’s experience and connections have allowed her to successfully lead/co-investigate on five external research grants, ultimately bringing together diverse community partners from across Halton and Peel Regions to produce innovative solutions to social issues. Her extensive experience in community-college partnerships continues to be an asset, as she also holds the role of Executive Director at Home Suite Hope, an award-winning Halton-based not-for-profit that provides wraparound supports and services to move homeless single parent-led families to self-sufficiency. Sara is the second Canadian Sociologist to receive certification as a Clinical Sociologist.


Dr. Sara Cumming: Team Members

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