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Dr. Nathaniel Barr

Professor of Creativity and Creative Thinking

Nathaniel Barr is a Professor of Creativity and Creative Thinking at Sheridan College, specializing in cognitive psychology. Prior to joining Sheridan, he earned his PhD and held a postdoctoral fellowship in the Psychology Department at the University of Waterloo.
Nathaniel has published scientific and popular articles in diverse areas. Topics include the psychology of creativity and innovation, applied behavioural science, human reason in the Anthropocene, misinformation and bullshit, the future of education, and the intersection of thinking and technology. Nathaniel’s work has been covered extensively in the media, including Scientific American, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal. Nathaniel’s research has been supported through several federal research grants. 
An award-winning lecturer, Nathaniel has taught courses on creativity, psychology, cognition, memory, and neuroscience. At Sheridan College, his primary focus is teaching courses within the Board Undergraduate Certificate in Creativity and Creative Problem Solving, which aims to provide “an opportunity for every degree student to gain a deliberate set of 21st century creative thinking skills and creative problem solving competencies”.
In addition to his academic role, Nathaniel is an advisor and speaker in industry, with a focus on cognition, innovation, and behavioural science.

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